Hubby Tag

Monday, November 24, 2008

1. Where did you meet? New Britain Ward in Connecticut... he was on his mission and I was a Mia Maid! lol
2. How long did you date? 2 years.. well after he was off his mission!
3. How long have you you been married? 2 years and 3 months... WOW!
4. Favorite Feature? hmmm... I would have to say his green eyes. And the way they wrinkle when he smiles :)
5. What is your favorite quality of his? He has a very positive attitude about life and he always keeps my spirits up.
6. Does he have a nickname for you? Baby
7.What is his favorite color? I'm going to go with..... blueee?
8. What is his favorite food? His Momma's cookin
9. What is his favorite sport? Football all the way
10. When and Where was your first kiss? It was on our first date at Monique's apartment in Provo I think... on the floor after watching Love Actually. He didn't make a move all night so I went for it... time was of the essence!! And I had been waiting a long time to kiss those lips :)
11. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? Honestly, we're couch potatoes. We are happiest just at home with Sam and a good flick on TV. Lame, but we don't care!
12. Do you have any children? Hell to the NO! We're putting that on hold until we're good and ready.
13. Does he have a hidden talent? He can play piano.
14. How old is he? 26
15. Who said, "I love you first?" I think it was him, and I didn't have to think long to say it back.
16. What is his favorite type of music? Classic rock
17. What do you admire most about him? He is book smart and also street smart, he has taught me so many things about life. I call him a walking encyclopedia.
18. Do you think he will read this? Someday!

I tag: Nicki, Lauren, and Nicole- have fun ladies!

1 lovely comments:

Anonymous said...

aww i love it!! i think its so cute when josh gets the wrinkles by his eyes when he smiles too, cracks me up! i just love you guys so much!


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