Chillin with Jammers

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Oh how I love vegging out with my little Sammer Jammers.. he is such a cuddle bug! He rarely gets up before me and Josh do... he always digs himself a burrow underneath all of our piles of blankets. It's hard to find him under all of those layers so I usually sing his name in the morning and he'll finally grace us with his presence, after stretching and yawning for a good 15 minutes. Oh what a life it would be to be Sammers. He is my little man. Look how cuuuuute!!

2 lovely comments:

Tyler & Macy Kennett said...

ohhh he is so cute. Dax is the same way. I love it.

Heather said...

Seriously, it's amazing how those little guys can warm your heart!


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