Friday, November 07, 2008

So I don't know about you but I'm getting pretty sick of all the emails going around mocking our new president's race... since when is it OK to make fun of someone because they're black? Didn't we go over this in the Martin Luther King days?? And when Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation? Are we over this yet?? And why are these stupid emails coming from white Utah mormons? When is the last time they even saw a black person??

When will white people actually look at a black person and feel equal to them? I say it's gone on long enough... lets get with the times and stop keeping ourselves in the white-washed mind set of our ancestors. Now is the time for CHANGE and that includes ourselves, not just the government.

It angers me that we have reached this milestone in history... electing the first black president ever... and instead of supporting him there are people out there labeling him "DEMOCRAT", not really listening to what he is saying, basing everything off the misleading campaigns, and just coming to the conclusion that since he's not Republican our whole country is in the shits. I wish everyone would just lighten up, start being positive, and change their attitudes.

I believe Barack Obama has the potential to change this country in amazing and positive ways and now is not the time to be creating negative energy. He is representing our country for the next 4 years and there's nothing anyone can do about it so maybe...

get over it... deal with it... and support it!
This is our country after all, let's be proud!!

1 lovely comments:

Heather said...

THANK YOU!!! I am glad someone finally said something. I was getting furious with all the emails and texts... I am excited. Change is good. If we were not put into different and uncomfortable circumstances on occation then we would never learn or grow! I for one am embrassing the new opportunity. I am sending positive Karma into the Universe and hopefully people will soon get over themselves and show support!


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