It's beginning to look a lot like....

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas!! *

I woke up this morning to a whole lot of snow! I think that's a good 4-5 inches right there...

Gray skies have never been so beautiful! I have a love/hate relationship with snow. It's like any snow around Christmas time is great... but ya know, come January, I'm pretty much over it. Unless the snow lures Tyler & Macy up to Salt Lake for a visit- then I would love it!

I came inside and caught my little man taking a nap all wrapped up in his doggy blanket. His favorite place to lay is right in front of the heating vents.

Here's our Christmas tree! I actually put it up last weekend but never got around to taking pictures of it until now. Six feet and pre-lit sounded good enough to me!

Here are some close ups:

I love having memorable ornaments that take you back to a time and place. We don't have very many of those since we've only been married 2 1/2 years but there's a few. This one we got at our wedding, I think it's darling. It has our wedding date on it and everything :)

This ornament we got in Cape Cod on our honeymoon. Love it!

Nothing too special about this one except I think the picture came out lovely!

Take a look around you and observe your surroundings.
Christmas is everywhere!

1 lovely comments:

Heather said...

I seriously love that the blanket that Sam is wrapped up in is all doggy print.


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