Artistic Inspiration: Ashlynn Pierce

Thursday, September 11, 2008

So I discovered another exceptional artist named Ashlynn Pierce.

She mostly does oil paintings and from what I can see she is extremely talented. I read up a little bit on her bio and she has been winning art contests since she was 8, got an art scholarship and recently started painting full time.

She mostly paints Abstract style paintings and she gets inspired by beauty around her and also paints from visions in her dreams.

"Sometimes I just start painting and see things emerge in the painting.I develop the vision and even I am surprised at the final creation."
How true! Sometimes when I paint I may have an idea in my head when I start but as I work on it I come up with new ideas and it turns out nothing like I had planned. Thats what I love about art- it is spontaneous and surprises you.

The painting above is called "REQUIEM" and is described as "murder with passionate rage." I like paintings with a little gore :) Amazing use of color and imagery... you can really feel the passion coming through.

This next one is called "INFERNO" and is described as "water being engulfed with flames." I love the shapes and use of color. Blue and Orange are complimentary colors and make the other stand out. I could see this pattern in a fabric or something. The different sized water shapes shows depth and and the direction carries your eye around the whole canvas.

I'm in love with this one to my right called "FIREDANCE" described as "a modern abstract southwestern scene." This is a great example of Impressionism which is the use of bright colors in small brush strokes. Edgar Degas and Claude Monet used this technique in their paintings as well. If you were to see this painting way up close you would see the tiny brush strokes and pops of color and as you stand back it all blends together. I love how the water looks like its moving. I always thought landscape paintings are the hardest, I still need to try it out.

This one to the left is my favorite! It's called "ALURE" and is described as "butterflies being drawn to the light." I especially love the colors and the black outlines. The different sizes of the butterflies create depth, like they are getting farther and farther away. Its just a beautiful painting to look at. I made it my new desktop background hehe :)

Stay tuned for more artistic inspiration!

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