What a difference a day makes...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

So these past couple weeks turned out great for both me and Josh.

It was a lot of fun for me because I've been able to go out with my friends a few times. It's so nice to just get out of the house! I rarely go out and I sometimes feel like a hermit. But it feels like I've been going out more now, and I'm not spending money, just having fun with my family and friends.

My friend Heather had a Lia Sophia party not too long ago which was lots of fun and also invited me to sub for Bunco which she was hosting at her place. I never played before so I wasn't sure how much fun it would be since I didn't know anyone else besides Heather and her room mate. Turns out I had a blast! I really like getting to know new people, I used to be shy about it but I think I'm improving. Although I think I was the only one married without a child lol. So different here. But no wonder all the mormon mommies get together once a month to play, it was really fun. And easy! All you had to do was roll some dice and count. And even losers can win! And she also made her own home made Cafe Rio pork salads which were MMMMMMM delicious! I didn't win any prizes but I met a lot of cool people. I wouldn't mind going again :)

Josh was having a good week too!

His brother Jarred is in town doing some training for his security system job. He used to live with us last year and we were like a happy family until he got this job and had to move to Florida and then to L.A. It's good for him since he's young and single without any attachments but I know Josh misses having him around so he's been spending time with him which is great.

Also, Josh has been out of a job for a few weeks now which makes for a lot of stress, but he finally had 2 different interviews set up this week- one for parking lot security and one for selling the Jitterbug (you know the cell phone with the big buttons and loud speaker for old people...... Jiiiitta-bug *doo doo doo doo doo doo* tell me you've seen the commercials?). Anyway, he didn't care which one he got as long as someone said, "Can you start Monday?"

He got good feedback from the parking lot security job, turns out those people can make a lot of money! Even the guys that sit in a toll booth all day, collect your money, and raise the bar? Yeah.... they make up to $20/hour! Who knew? Obviously I'm in the wrong business here...

Then he went to his Jitterbug interview and after talking with the manager for a few minutes the manager asked him, "So you really want to work for Jitterbug??" and started telling him about this other position being on the phones for a company similar to Sylvan Learning for kids. It was better pay, better hours, and a better product to sell. Annnnnd he will be training for the manager position! HALLELUJAH!! The hours and location work out perfectly, he is only 10 minutes away from my work so sharing the car won't be a big hassle. WHOOPEE!


*booty shake*

So yes, it's been a great week. Not to mention my favorite time of year has been in the air. I just love Autumn- the crisp air, the changing colors, it's like a 2nd spring only the leaves are the flowers. I love breaking out my coat and scarf. Although I would much rather be in Connecticut this time of year. That's why I put that fall picture up- and also because the car looks EXACTLY like my Mom's Saturn Ion hehe! Miss you guys!! Guess I'll have to savor the ONE month of fall we get here in good ol' Utah!

Although we are going to have a big storm this weekend and possibly SNOW! I'm so not ready for that yet! Guess I'll be hibernating at home with movies this weekend! Have fun everyone!

3 lovely comments:

Anonymous said...

dude, my thing better have posted damnit. . .

Anonymous said...

ah hell. ok so anyway, what i said is i LOVE IT when you do the booty shake! and i am glad that you and joshy are making progress, i know how hard the past few months have been stress wise and i am thankful that things are progressing!!! i love you!!!


Heather said...

You are so freaking cute! I am way glad that you had fun playing Bunco! I was super nervous! Sounds like the turning of the seasons is also turning on your luck! FINALLY! I heart you! You are beautifully breathtaking inside and out lady!


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