My neighbor is the next American Idol...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


OK so I really hope I don't come across as a perv, but we have had these new neighbors that live downstairs in our duplex... and they are pretty weird. The walls are really thin so we can hear a lot of stuff.. sometimes things I would rather not hear if you catch my drift...

Sometimes me and Josh will just be chillin out watching TV and we'll hear the most random sounds, like a really loud shout out of no where, or a loud laugh that goes on for 15 minutes... totally random.

So Josh was working late all last week and I had the joy of listening to my neighbor sing.. in the shower.. at the top of his lungs.. for TWO HOURS!

Not kidding! I could hear the whole thing, and it was even louder than the TV! I had to stoop down the stairs to hear him clearly.

The dude was BELTING! And not just one song.. but a huge combination of songs from Warrant's "Cherry Pie" to Bon Jovi's "Shot through the heart"... and also some strange comment about a vacuum being $39.95...

So as I was laughing my ass off totally entertained I decided I could not be the only one to get a kick out of this. And I knew a story would not do it justice... so I found a way to record a clip on my cell phone that lasts about a minute.

Click on the link below and be entertained as you mouth the words, "WTF??"

Singin Neighbor

I'm pretty sure if he ever tried out for Idol it would be a HELL to the NO!

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