
Saturday, January 17, 2009

"If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies."
~Author Unknown

So I got to thinking about all the changes that have been going on around me and thought I would give you an update on the changes in my own life...

First of all, I have decided to go back to school at Eagle Gate College in April for the Graphic Design program. I'm really excited about this! I feel its the right time to start working on me, finally. I've been waiting and waiting and I know the only way I can feel whole is to better myself through using my God-given talents. I can finally work towards a life I've always wanted, one that can be spent not really working, but doing what I love and enjoying every minute of it. I hope to someday be able to design custom blog templates for personal or business, maybe even make custom invitations, business cards, stationary, advertisements- I'm up for anything!

Ever since Josh has been working for O'Currance, our happiness has multiplied! He is finally doing something he can grow in, and he's amazingly good at what he does. He is coaching the agents on the phones and teaching them how to sell like a pro. He has this energy- this self motivating excitement- and his boss sees it and wants him to go far in the company. I'm so happy for him, that he has finally found his niche. Not to mention we're finally getting back on track with the billy-bills!

And I've also seen some seemingly negative changes in my work place. My company is going through major changes and letting people go left and right. I'm really starting to feel the effects of this economy. It's really sad to me, to watch people lose their jobs that they have worked so hard for. But I also realize that its necessary if we want to keep afloat. We have to consolidate, let go people we love, in order to save ourselves. That's business for you I guess... but I do see the positive parts in it. My office is going to be transitioning into our biggest one yet. We're going to go from 35 agents to 70 in the next week! I'm pretty excited actually, and grateful that my superiors see me as someone who can handle all of it, and value me enough to keep me around.

This year is going to be huge, and I can feel myself transforming into the butterfly I've always wanted to be :)

3 lovely comments:

Nicki Swilor said...

Josh really is great at what he does! Me on the other hand... I suck at it, like royally! hahaha He did coach me the other day and I immediately felt hope. He's the man! I can't believe the changes with RE/MAX. Lucky you for working in the growing office. I'm so excited for you to go to school and see the great things you do with your life. Love ya, girl!

Tyler & Macy Kennett said...

I am so happy to hear that you two are doing so good.

Heather said...

Seriously... we can take it eh? Like i said before... you go? i go!!!!
*giggles* (butterfly lady)


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