One step forward, Two steps back...

Thursday, February 05, 2009

(Apologies for not blogging in like... what, 20 days now? Gawd. I am slacking and it doesn't feel right! )

Lets do some catching up, shall we?

I feel like time is going by faster than ever, especially at work. Ever since the big transition at my job all I can think about is getting ready to do it all over again the next day. So when I am finally home I don't even want to be near a computer- I just want to eat dinner, spend some time with the hubby, watch a few TV shows, and pass out by 9:00.

It's been very stressful to say the least... I've been doing this job for almost 2 years now and I had a perfect routine going, making my job enjoyable for the most part. I was in control and could finish everything on my list in one day and sometimes in a matter of hours! Now it seems as soon as I finish one thing I get 2 more things piled on... I sometimes find myself looking around at all the crap I have to do and I honestly just want to cry. Lately I feel myself biting my tongue so I don't lash out on anyone who asks me to do a favor for them. If they only knew what curse words I hold back from my polite smile...

But I have to keep reminding myself that going slightly insane at work is better than going insane at home without a job. I can't believe the unemployment rates. Seriously? This is nuts. Even college graduates who are completely qualified are jobless! What is going on in this country?!

At least I have gotten through these first 2 weeks and the worst is over. Hopefully this will mean Mr. Rai$e will come along my way next month... but I won't hold my breath.

Hmmm what else is new........ oh yes, I CUT MY HAIR!

About 4-5 inches to be exact. I had been growing it out for the past year and it only took that one bad hair day to realize my damn hair is just too thick and too heavy to be long. I called up Hailey and asked for an emergency appointment. I'm telling you, this girl is a genius! Needless to say I LOVE the cut, it is so much easier to manage and much more "me." She gave me a nice A-line cut so it's slightly shorter in the back and it frames my face perfectly. Check out the new doo:

Besides all the stress at work I have been feeling really good health wise. Josh and I purchased the P90X program a couple weeks ago and it has totally made a difference in the way I feel. I forget how much eating breakfast boosts your energy for the day. It's much better than running on coffee all morning and starving until lunch. I thought the food would be the biggest challenge but I was wrong! It's the exercise!!!

I don't know if you are familiar with P90X, but this Tony Horton guy is certainly no joke. The routines are long and they are very challenging. Let's just say the first time I tried plyometrics (jump training, lunges...) I lasted 12 minutes, collapsed on my way to the couch, and couldn't walk right for 2 days. Not kidding, ask Heather.

I forget how painful exercise is!! But it's also very rewarding... and I feel much better knowing that I'm treating my body good. So far I am loving the yoga, kempo, and cardio routines. It makes me not want to give up, to keep going, and to see how far I can really push myself...

Here are some of my current obsessions...

My new blackberry phone
Starbucks soy vanilla bean powder lattes
Grapefruit sprinkled with organic sugar
Yo-ville on facebook
"Day & Night Remix" by Jim Jones
Practicing my cursive handwriting
Night time baths
The new Nip/Tuck season
Sweater dresses w/leggings
Practicing my Vinyasa

"The light in me honors the light in you."

2 lovely comments:

Nicki Swilor said...

#1 - Your blogs are so inspiring!

#2 - I love you! and your positive energy!

#3 - When I grow up, I want to be like you. I have somewhere lost my motivation and daily dreaming (of exactly what I want and dream to be in life).

#4 - Thank you for a boost of motivation!

Heather said...

i freaking love you! and i seriously want to work out with you... if nothing else it's be entertainment from my big rear end falling down all over the place...


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