Sammy and the Scarf

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Since the weather has been sooo cold lately, I thought Sam would appreciate a little extra warmth from my scarf...

What a stud.

You may think he is good at posing..
but it seriously takes me at least 10 shots to get one like this!

I love the tongue.

Making faces :-P

He is so cute I can't stand it.

My younger sister told me she got Sam a little jacket for Christmas,
I'll make sure to take pictures :)

2 lovely comments:

Nicki Swilor said...

He is so cute in your scarf!

Lauren said...

He is sooo cute! I just want to cuddle him too! Can you bring him to the office or can I borrow him? Well, maybe scratch the borrowing him, I don't think Bugsy would appreciate that! Ü


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