Tag, I'm it!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

OK well no one actually tagged me (sad) but I saw it on Nicki's post and wanted to try it :)

Four places I visit over & over:
1. RE/MAX Results
2. Burger King
3. Home
4. Hailey's

Four People who e-mail-txt me regularly:
1. Josh
2. Alecia
3. Hailey
4. Heather

Four favorite foods:
1. Rodeo Cheeseburger
2. Cafe Rio's soup
3. Crunch Wrap
4. Mom's meatballs

Four places I'd rather be:
1. Drinking espresso in Italy
2. Relaxing on a Rhode Island Beach
3. Playing beer pong in Bristallll my home town
4. Canada... to take advantage of the legal substances :)

Four movies I'd watch over & over:
1. My Best Friend's Wedding
2. Thelma & Louise
3. The Little Mermaid
4. Half Baked

Bands/Groups I love to listen to:
1. John Mayer
2. Jack Johnson
3. Blink 182
4. DMB

Four People I am tagging:
1. Heather
2. Hailey
3. Josh
4. Thats it!

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