“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.”

Friday, July 11, 2008

This is an Ode to my precious little dog, Sammy
(pictured below at 3 months old):

I can honestly say without a doubt that I have the most adorable dog on the face of the earth! He is truly the light of my life and he has taught me things that I never thought I would learn from a dog.

I grew up not really liking dogs at all. We had a family pet, Scout, and I didn't pay much attention to him, which now I really regret.

It wasn't until me and Josh got our first dog, a lab/heeler mix named George, that I realized how amazing these creatures are. I had learned that from the moment you have them as a puppy, you are responsible for the rest of their life. They are completely innocent and unknowing and it is up to you to make their life filled with happiness, while making sure they are obedient and good. After a year of George growing up in our small 1 bedroom apartment, we knew we had to give him up to give him the life he deserved. I was really distraught about it for a long time until we saw him with his new owner going for a jog on one of the main roads closeby. I knew at that moment that we had made the right decision and George was happy.

Our 2nd dog was a miniature dachshund named Charlie
(pictured below at about 4 months old):

Charlie was so cool and so chill. He didn't like to play much, he just really liked to be around you. I remember us cuddling on the couch, or as I was on the computer, it didn't matter. I learned that no matter how long I was gone for, even if I forgot to put food in his bowl that day, I knew when I came home he would always be waiting for me by the window waiting to jump up and say hello and give me a big kiss! He loved me so much. I knew I was his preferred owner to be around, we just had a deeper connection that him and Josh. Sadly, Charlie was killed in an accident when he was about 10 months old. I never knew heartbreak until this happened to me. It was so tragic, to this day I still cry about it every now and again when I think about him.

*Rest In Peace My Sweetheart*

After tragedy you need something, or someone to get you through it. For us, it was our precious Sam! Our house just felt so empty and sad without Charlie, we knew we needed another dog. We went online and found our man on KSL. The next day we went to pick him up and it was love at first sight! He was so small, about maybe 2 pounds, and so so happy! I was already sold, but the thing that amazed us was him walking out the front door and popping a squat on the lawn. A potty trained 2 month old puppy?? Unheard of!! We scooped him up and brought him home with us. Our lives were instantly filled with love and happiness:

Here are a few words that describe Sam:


and best of all....MINE :)

I just love you Samma Jam!!

"A dog doesn't care if you're rich or poor, big or small, young or old. He doesn't care if you're not smart, not popular, not a good joke-teller, not the best athlete, nor the best-looking person. To your dog, you are the greatest, the smartest, the nicest human being who was ever born. You are his friend and protector."

3 lovely comments:

Heather said...

HOW STINKING CUTE!!!! I want a puppy!

Anonymous said...

yeah dude, sam is the shit. his ears are always flopping around and i love it when he sits down cuz it looks like he is laying because his body has nowhere else to go!! haha, good pics. sam's the man!!

Nicki Swilor said...

This is the cutest post! Poor Murphy hasn't even made an appearance. Well maybe Christmas, but really! I am the worst puppy mama! I must redeem myself! Sam is so flippin' cute! I love wieners:) And I love saying that when nobody knows you're talking about a dog!


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